Mission & Leadership
2025 Promo Materials
2025 Themes
Youth Day
Adult Days | Speakers
Adult Days | Workshops
Audio Recordings
Adult Days Registration
Youth Day Registration
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Mission & Leadership
2025 Promo Materials
2025 Themes
Youth Day
Adult Days | Speakers
Adult Days | Workshops
Audio Recordings
Adult Days Registration
Youth Day Registration
Adult Days | Workshops
Friday | Period 1
Fr. Richard Leonard, SJ
1-02 - Meeting Diverse Learning and Behavioral Needs in the Catechetical Setting
Ana Arista and Joseph White
1-03 - The Parish is not the Engine of Evangelization: A New Paradigm for Church Leadership
Peter Andrastek
1-04 - What Good Can Happen When Religion Meets Politics?
Fr. Jim Clarke
1-05 - Can We Talk? Being Real, and the Art of the Compassionate Challenge
Chris Estrella
1-06 - The Family: The Domestic Church Is God’s Witness of Love
Fr. Leo Patalinghug
1-07 - Jesus Kingdom and Disney Kingdom: Invitations to a Better World
Fr. Chris Ponnet
1-08 - Embracing the Divine Life: The Theological Virtues Unveiled
Matthew Ramage
1-09 - Guiding with Grace: Supporting Youth Through Emotional Challenges
Rhyan Ramirez
1-10 - Accompanying Parents with Compassion and Encouragement Instead of Shame and Guilt
Julianne Stanz
1-11 - Emotions in the Gospels: From Feelings of Jesus to Feeling with Jesus
Bishop Slawomir Szkredka
1-60 - Liturgical Ministers: Believers, Disciples, and Servants
Diana Macalintal and Matthew Reichert
1-70 - Ơn Gọi Thánh Thể Của Những Người Lo Mục Vụ / The Eucharistic Vocation of Ministry Leaders
Br. Frere Phong, FSC
Friday | Period 2
2-01 - Do You Love Me? Check “Yes” - Check “No”!
Fr. R. Tony Ricard
2-02 - Compassion in Action: Nourishing the Heart of Christian Service
Steven Botsford
2-03 - Accompanying the Domestic Church: Best Practices for Pastoral Ministry with Families
Denise Utter
2-04 - What’s the Pitch?
Noelle Garcia McHugh
2-05 - Imperfect Parenting (The ONLY Kind There Is)
Fr. Joe Kempf
2-06 - What Does Representation Look Like in our Liturgies and Why Does it Matter?
Peter Kolar and Kate Williams
2-07 - LGBTQ Catholic Update
Fr. James Martin, SJ
2-08 - Move, Play, Sing! Actively Engaging Learners in Faith Formation
Katie Riley
2-09 - A Spirituality of Compassion – Jesus’ Ultimate Challenge
Fr. Ronald Rolheiser
2-10- God & Gaming: A Media Mindfulness Assessment
Sr. Nancy Usselmann, FSP
2-70 - Thần học về Thân Xác và Lòng Thương Xót Chúa / Theology of the Body and Merciful Love
Bishop Tuan (Louis) Nguyen
Friday | Period 3
3-01 - The Us God Loves: Self Compassion in a Broken World
Sarah Hart
3-02 - Implementing Catholic Mental Health Ministry
Wendell Callahan
3-03 - Reclaiming Fatherhood: The Model of Saint Joseph
Leonard J. DeLorenzo
3-04 - Sacraments, Ecology, and Christ’s Compassionate Call
Fr. Richard Fragomeni
3-05 - THE DARK SIDE OF GRACE: Shedding Light on a Spiritual Challenge
Fr. Albert Haase, OFM
3-06 - Is it only Catholics who are “Called to Compassion?”
Rabbi Michael Lotker, Rev. Dr. Alexia Salvatierra, Rt. Rev. Alexei Smith, Jihad Turk
3-07 - Small Groups that Matter
Michael Marchand
3-08 - Move Over Bible Study! Lectionary Reflection Has the Power to Transform Parish Life
Michael Ruzicki
3-09 - Making Every Class Catholic
Brett Salkeld
3-10 - Songs of Compassion and Change: A Musical and Biblical Meditation
John Flaherty and Daniel Smith Christopher
3-60 - Essential, Not Extra: Singing the Liturgy
Tony Alonso
3-70 - Chuẩn Bị Lễ Cưới Song Ngữ (có Tiếng Việt) / Preparing the Bilingual Wedding
Sister Maria Hong Que and Ruffino Zanagoza, OFM
Saturday | Period 4
4-01 - This little light of mine: Making a difference in our world.
Terry Hershey
4-02 - Pilgrims of Hope! Holy Year 2025: A Meditation
Fr. Richard Fragomeni
4-03 - Called to Compassion by Jesus: The Heart of Catechesis and Evangelization
Thomas Groome
4-04 - Thrive Together: Building Compassionate Workplaces
ValLimar Jansen
4-05 - Called to Compassion Today
Megan McKenna
4-06 - Come Forth! What can Lazarus teach us?
Fr. James Martin, SJ
4-07 - "Clothe yourselves with Compassion" - (Col 3:12)
Barbara Reid
4-08 - Talking with Your Teen About Sex
Julia Sadusky
4-09 - Islam and Compassion in a Context of Conflict
Jihad Turk
4-10- Building a successful, healthy and holy team of volunteers
Christopher Wesley
4-70 - Đồng Hành Với Giới Trẻ Ngày Nay: Cách Tiếp Cận “Sự Bình Thường Mới” /Accompanying Youth Today
Br. Frere Phong, FSC
Saturday | Period 5
5-01 You're Still On The Fastest Route: Arriving at a Community of Cherished Belonging
Fr. Gregory Boyle
5-02 - Faith, Song and Celebration
John Burland
5-03 - When Science Goes Wrong: Lessons for Faith
Guy Consolmagno
5-04 - Creating Spaces for Young People to Ask Tough Questions: How Are We Answering Them?
Christina Lamas
5-05 - Finding Our Way in Hope and Compassion: Understanding the Human Condition
Josephine Lombardi
5-06 - Expressing Faith: Liturgical Movement for Every Age and Every Body
Monica Luther and Nicole Masero
5-07 - Shock Absorbers, Football Linemen, and An Elephant: Parish Ministry
Mike Patin
5-08 - The Spiritual Work of Racial Justice
Dr. Patrick Saint-Jean, SJ
5-09 - Inculturated Catechesis
Fr. Agustino Torres C.F.R.
5-10 - Compassion: Losing Ourselves to Find Ourselves
David Wells
5-70 - THEO CHÚA GIÊ-SU, NHÀ LÃNH ĐẠO BIẾN ĐỔI / Following Jesus, the Transforming Leader
Sr. Mary Hong Que
Saturday | Period 6
6-01 - How the Eucharist Makes Us More Compassionate
Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP
CANCELLED SESSION | 6-02 - What's Hot and What's Not: A 360 degree review of the Global Church
6-03 - Blessed, Broken, and Shared
Tony Alonso
6-04 - Cultivating Virtues for Holiness, Compassion, and Fitness for the Kingdom
Fr. Rafael Capó
6-05 - The Outsized Effects of Compassion: How Brains, Bodies and Minds are Changed through Kindness
Anne Kertz Kernion
6-06 - Where the Hell is God?
Fr. Richard Leonard, SJ
6-07 - Jesus: The Ultimate Influencer - Guiding Today's Youth to Follow Him
Joe Melendrez
6-08 - Parents and Families at the Center of Faith Formation
John Roberto
6-09 - Intersectionality in Ministry and Beyond
Yunen Trujillo
6-10 - Journeying in Love and Discipleship: A Spirituality of Racial Justice
C. Vanessa White
6-60 - New and Engaging Music for Liturgy from GIA Publications
Kate Williams
Quyen Di
Sunday | Period 7
7-01 - Jubilee Journey: The Today and Tomorrow of the Francis Papacy
Sr. Marie Kolbe Zamora
7-02 - The Foundation for Great Marriages
Michael DiPaolo
7-03 - The Spiritual Lives of Young Adults
Robert Feduccia
7-04 - Did Jesus have pity, compassion, or mercy on people?
Felix Just, SJ
7-05 - Beyond Reading: Proclaiming the Word to Touch Minds and Hearts
Douglas Leal
7-06 - New Translation, Renewed Transformation: From “Rite” to “Order” in the Catechumenate
Diana Macalintal and Nick Wagner
7-07 - Sacraments… Intentions Matter!
Dayrin Perez
7-08 - Family Ministry: Participating in the Religious Education of Children
Katie Riley
7-09 - Becoming More
David Wells
7-10 - Head, Heart, Hands, and Hope!: How the New National Goals for Catechetical Programs can Revit
7-70 - Lòng Thương Xót Chúa và lòng thương cảm sống trong Gia đình và Cộng đoàn / Merciful Love and
Bishop Tuan (Louis) Nguyen
Sunday | Period 8
8-01- Touch The Wounds
Kathleen Bryant, RSC
8-02 - A Call to Family and Community: Living Out Catholic Social Teaching
Michael Donaldson
8-03 - Forming Compassionate Disciples
Dn. Matthew Halbach
8-04 - Mary as a Model of Synodality
Josephine Lombardi
8-05 - FIAT – The Spiritual Path of Acceptance and saying YES to the Present Moment
Hilda Mateo
8-06 - Saints, Superheroes, and Rappers
Alejandro Nava
8-07 - Compassionate Outreach: What the Church Can Learn From the LGBTQ Catholic Community
Michael O'Loughlin
8-08 - Matter Matters: Encounter Christ in the Things of the Liturgy
Timothy O'Malley
8-09 - Sacramental Preparation and Children with Disabilities
Kathleen Schipani
8-10 - The Big "K"
Doug Tooke
8-60- Find Us Ready: Preparing to Minister During Lent and Easter
Matthew Reichert
8-70 - LÒNG TRẮC ẨN: HẠT GIỐNG CỦA NIỀM VUI VÀ HẠNH PHÚC / Compassion: The Seed of Peace and ...
Sr. Maria Hong Que